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Help about gcin

1subject: Help about gcinPromote 0 Bookmark 02008-11-18quote  

Hi :)

I'm Christian, from Italy.

I'm learning Chinese (Mandarin) and i want to use gcin.

I use Debian sid,  and gcin 1.4.2

Before starting to bother you with my troubles i want to thankyou for making gcin ^^


The software shows in Chinese (maybe traditional) so for me is very hard to understand how to set options.

Some week ago, in a chat session (in this website) somebody tells me that there is also an English interface.

How i can set it? 

I have another problem, I don't understand how to set the correct language, or maybe set the right table.

When I hit ctrl-space gcin start to work and show me options, but maybe i can't find the correct table, because i never find the correct character.

My teacher tells me a few about differences between traditional and semplified, and she also tells that i choose the wrong table. 


The best table found is the number 5 ->  pinyin.gtab but for example,

if i want to write xie xie (thankyou) is impossible, i can't find the characters! 

also, ni hao, for me is impossible to write.

Can you tell me what I'm missing? Or maybe where i can download the correct table?

To be clear, i have some friend in Shenzhen and Xiamen, i want to be able to write them.


Also I read that gcin have text to speech feature.

Is this true and have support also for semplified chinese?


I hope in some answers :-D
Thank you in advance






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3subject: Help about gcinPromote 0 Bookmark 02008-11-18quote  

if i want to write xie xie (thankyou) is impossible, i can't find the characters! 

also, ni hao, for me is impossible to write.

"thankyou(謝謝) " → xie4 xie4
"ni hao(你好)" →  ni3 hao3


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