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GNU Unifont (包含 Unicode 5.1 BMP 內所有字圖的字型)

1 GNU Unifont (包含 Unicode 5.1 BMP 內所有字圖的字型)
Promote 1 Bookmark 02008-06-23quote  

GNU Unifont 是 Roman Czyborra 從 1998 開始的一項計劃,原因是他意識到,雖然 Unicode Standard 早在 1991 發表,但在標準發表了七年後,卻仍然沒有一個完整可用、不缺字的 Unicode 字型,所以他決定開始這項計劃。

為了加快計劃的腳步,讓大家早日有一個完整 Unicode 字元集的字型可用,他不對字型的預期品質要求太高,先求有,日後再動員社群來幫忙補完與美化,並只做一個尺寸為 8x16 或 16x16 的點陣字型。為什麼在 1998 那個 Truetype 已然成熟的年代仍選擇用 bitmap 的字型格式呢?這是因為 Roman 認為 bitmap 字型在各平台都可以讀取(只要用對方法),雖然字型的品質只能受限於有限的 8x16 或 16x16 的方格,但 bitmap 規格上的侷限與簡單反而可加快字型完成的腳步,因為字型製作者不需要去調整貝玆曲線、也不需去考慮大小字的顯示效果、hinting……等,而且所需的工具也較為簡單,可以不用去買專業的字型製作軟體就可以製作字型。又因為他覺得 bdf 與 hbf 格式不適合這個 project,所以他開發了自己的 bitmap 格式 (以 .hex 為結尾),並又開發了將這個格式轉換成 bdf 格式的工具。

十年後,Luis Alejandro González Miranda 在 2008 年 1 月中貢獻了一個將 Roman 的 hex 字型格式轉換成 Fontforge sfd 格式的工具,並同意讓現在的維護者修改使用,所以我們現在有 truetype 的 unifont 了。

這十年來無數人努力的成果累積到今年 (2008) 六月二十,在目前的維護者 Paul Hardy 手上,終於完成了 Unicode 5.1 BMP 內所有的字元!偉哉!


PS. 在 CJK 字元方面,文泉驛絕對該記上一筆,超過兩萬個 CJK 新字是從房骞骞 (FangQ) 主持的 Unibit Font 1.1 中加進來的。



edited: 2
Promote 0 Bookmark 02008-06-23quote  
節錄自 Unifont 的舊網頁 (現已不存在,只能透過 Web Archive 讀)
What characters are in there already?

In order to have a good basis to start with, I took the etl16-unicode.bdf and the GNU intlfonts-1.0 built in 1997 and merged them into the unifont.


The CJK blocks were filled from k16-1990.bdf (typeface by, gb16st.bdf (Institute of Software, Academia Sinica), hanglm16.bdf (typeface by Daewoo), cns-2-16.bdf (Hong Kong University) as well as jisksp16.bdf and taipei16.bdf on 1998-09-16. I used the mapping tables from"> to map them to Unicode positions.

I selected the Japanese font as the favourite-choice font because it seemed to have a consistent design with thin strokes and sufficient blank space at the cell margin and because the Japanese Kanji shapes enjoy a degree of simplification that might be considered a compromise between the simplified Chinese and traditional Taiwanese extremes and because many Japanese have voiced fears that Unicode with Chinese hanzi will make their texts unreadable.



edited: 1
Promote 0 Bookmark 02008-08-25quote  

最近出了新版,紀錄一下: (3 Mbytes) Mbytes) (1 Mbyte)

相對於 2008-06-20 的改進有以下幾點:

Additions for 2008-08-20: Hangul Syllables

This release replaces the Hangul Syllables block with a light-stroke set of Hangul glyphs created by Changwoo Ryu from the free Baekmuk fonts.

Additions for 2008-08-08: CJK Imrpovements

This release improves the vertical positioning of Unified Han ideographs, and includes an overhaul of the Halfwidth and Fullwidth Forms for CJK use.

Additions for 2008-07-06: Braille Block Corrected

In 1998, Roman Czyborra wrote a Perl script to generate the Braille glyphs. He used it to create the U+2800..U+28FF range of the GNU Unifont. This script did not enumerate the Braille dot sequences correctly. He posted a corrected version of the script on his website in 2003, but the original unifont.hex file kept the incorrect Braille glyphs. I just learned of this while going through all of his Perl scripts. This latest version corrects that error.

Promote 0 Bookmark 02008-08-26quote  

unifont 本來是使用我們這邊的寫法,但由於目前參考納入文泉驛,寫法已經偏向大陸寫法了。

不過,那個 ttf,向量字模擬點陣字,看起來怪怪的。

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