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本人已不在此站活動![]() joined: 2007-09-19 posted: 4946 promoted: 325 bookmarked: 206 歸隱山林 |
老實說,這個觀點我是第一次聽說,是從 IL 及 JT 兩位先生的論點而來的(這兩位先生的中醫系統似屬同一脈絡):
但都沒有指明是哪一本古籍。這和我們一般的觀念,「一天一顆蘋果,讓你遠離醫生。」(An apple a day,keep the doctor away),實在有相當大的差距。也和有些古籍記載的所謂「益心氣」不同(唐.《 千金食治》),這到底是怎麼一回事? 事先聲明,我是非常非常討厭吃蘋果的,沒什麼原因,就是不喜歡。大概是因為我的身體脾胃寒,身體本能上的抗拒吧? 我去查了一下古籍,發現在《備急千金要方》及《食療本草》有記載:
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coolcd joined: 2008-01-21 posted: 2601 promoted: 348 bookmarked: 95 |
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本人已不在此站活動![]() joined: 2007-09-19 posted: 4946 promoted: 325 bookmarked: 206 歸隱山林 |
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本人已不在此站活動![]() joined: 2007-09-19 posted: 4946 promoted: 325 bookmarked: 206 歸隱山林 |
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eliu![]() joined: 2007-08-09 posted: 11499 promoted: 617 bookmarked: 187 新竹, 台灣 |
維他命、 礦物質蘋果的含量不多。 頻果抗氧化劑較多,最營養的部份在皮,有類黃酮 Quercetin, 可是台灣的蘋果因為有打蠟,沒有人吃皮。抗氧化劑可以減少癌症(肺癌)。 頻果的果膠對糖尿病有益。
In Greek mythology, apples were associated with the healing god Apollo, perhaps the source for the modern-day adage that an apple a day keeps the doctor away. In medieval times, physicians were taught that cooked apples could relieve disturbances of the bowels, lungs and nervous system. The custom of serving fresh fruit, particularly apples, at the end of a meal arose because of the favorable effects on digestion attributed to them by the physicians Hippocrates and Galen. Plus apple juice was one of the earliest prescribed antidepressants. Apples are not bursting with vitamins and minerals like other fruits, though they do provide a bit of vitamin C and potassium. However, without a doubt apples are amazing for controlling blood sugar, says Dr. Barry Sears in his book The Top 100 Zone Foods. “Apples are a good source of soluble fiber, especially pectin, which helps control insulin levels by slowing the release of sugar into your bloodstream. Pectin also helps reduce cholesterol levels by lowering insulin secretion.” We now also know that apples fairly shine in antioxidant phytochemicals; the principal ones identified so far are phenolics and the flavonoid quercetin. Research suggests that natural antioxidants like these could be even more effective than vitamin supplements. Comell University researchers, for example, have found that the amount of fresh apple extract from a medium apple with skin provides the antioxidant activity equal to 1,500 milligrams of vitamin C. Using colon cancer cells treated with apple extract, the scientists found that cell proliferation was inhibited in vitro. The researchers also tested the apple extract against human liver cancer cells and again found inhibition of the growth of those cells. People who eat lots of apples may have lower rates of lung cancer, judging by a study done in Finland. The study, published August 1, 1997, in the American Journal of Epidemiology, was focused on flavonoids. The study reviewed the diet of 9,959 Finns aged five to 99 years. Of those in the group who were cancer-free in 1965, those who ate the most flavonoid-rich foods — apples and other fruit, onions, juices, vegetables, and jams — had a 20 percent lower incidence of cancer through 1991. Quercetin, a flavonoid found mostly in apples, accounted for 95 percent of the flavonoids consumed by the study group. To get the most benefit, don't peel your apples. Quercetin is found only in the skin. | |||||||||||||||
winlin![]() joined: 2007-09-25 posted: 1859 promoted: 111 bookmarked: 33 |
打蠟的理由好像是為了增加保存時間←不知道是不是這樣? ------------------------------------------------------------------- | |||||||||||||||
本人已不在此站活動![]() joined: 2007-09-19 posted: 4946 promoted: 325 bookmarked: 206 歸隱山林 |
成份分析的本身並沒有什麼對或不對,問題是怎麼拿來用。最近有中醫西醫化的情形,就是利用中藥的萃取液進行利用,老實說,成效並不好,只有少數的有效例子,也不比傳統的用法好用。推究原因就是把微觀的分析拿到了巨觀理論來使用了。就像我們造橋、造房子的時候用到的只是牛頓物理,把一些中子的行為拿來用是會扞格不人的。 以下這兩篇文章很值得參考,作者目前的是中醫師,物理碩士後轉讀學士後中醫系: 〈巨尺度vs微尺度〉 〈簡約vs繁瑣〉 我有不少的觀念也是來自這個網站,覺得滿有道理。
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本人已不在此站活動![]() joined: 2007-09-19 posted: 4946 promoted: 325 bookmarked: 206 歸隱山林 |
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eliu![]() joined: 2007-08-09 posted: 11499 promoted: 617 bookmarked: 187 新竹, 台灣 |
這篇的被研究對象看起來吃了不少蘋果,好像沒有什麼太大的副作用,難道洋人的體質不同? 我也沒有很喜歡吃蘋果,不過有時候每天吃一顆也沒感覺到會有使人虛弱的效果。 edited: 1
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本人已不在此站活動![]() joined: 2007-09-19 posted: 4946 promoted: 325 bookmarked: 206 歸隱山林 |
啊,當然不是這樣。所謂的閉百脈、脈弱,身體外觀不一定能顯示出來,是要累積到一定的程度才會暴發的。西醫的儀器不見得能檢測出來。 就像我的內痔脫垂,主要原因是「中氣下陷」,但這是累積了很久才暴發脫垂的,西醫的儀器沒有辦法檢測出什麼「中氣下陷」,而現在所謂的健康,都以西醫的檢測為準,那麼檢測結果沒有異樣,大家就認為是「健康」了。
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以下文字引用自-蘋果、橘子,是寒是溫?--KingNet國家網路醫院 而孫思邈生於隋文帝開皇元年(581),卒於唐高宗永淳元年(682),享年一百零二歲。一說孫思邈的生年在北周孝閔帝元年(557)左右,卒年仍為永淳元年,享年一百二十餘歲。且不論何者為真,都與1870年相據甚遠。因此,〝備急千金要方 卷二十六 食治方 果實第二 林檎,味酸苦平澀無毒,止渴好唾,不可多食,令人百脈弱。〞中的林檎是否就是現今的蘋果呢!若林檎不是蘋果,那久服會「束百脈」、「細百脈」、「閉百脈」就是林檎,而非蘋果了。 | |||||||||||||||
本人已不在此站活動![]() joined: 2007-09-19 posted: 4946 promoted: 325 bookmarked: 206 歸隱山林 |
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〝 蘋果是世界著名的高貴水果,形、質、色、香、味俱佳,故有水果之王美譽。唐.《千金食治》云:「益心氣」;唐.《食療本草》云:「補中焦諸不足氣,和脾。」元.《飲善正要》云:「止渴生津口清」;《滇南本草圖說》云:「治脾虛火盛,補中益氣。」《隨息居飲食譜》云:「潤肺悅心,生津開明,醒酒。」總之,蘋果有生津、止渴、潤肺、養神、除煩、清熱、解暑、化痰、開胃、耐饑、醒酒等功效。中醫所說的諸氣不足、消化不良、氣滯不通者,以蘋果絞汁服,可消食順氣。蘋果燉膏名玉容丹,通五臟六腑,走十二經絡,調營衛而通神明,解溫疫而止寒熱。 西方人則說一天一顆蘋果不用看醫師;現代醫學也認為蘋果是病人補助食物中的重要水果。若由其成分、功效來看,此言非虛。〞 但為什麼說林檎會益心氣,又說林檎會閉百脈,細百脈。那到底是該吃還是不該吃啊!甚至還一天一顆,到底是該吃還是不該吃。嗯~真矛盾。 小弟是那種一天一顆蘋果的人,所以真的是很認真的想知道,到底是該吃還是不該吃。 | |||||||||||||||
eliu![]() joined: 2007-08-09 posted: 11499 promoted: 617 bookmarked: 187 新竹, 台灣 |
看了以後,就會覺得蘋果的營養其實不多,什麼 An apple a day, keeps the doctor away 好像是賣蘋果的人的說法。 | |||||||||||||||
本人已不在此站活動![]() joined: 2007-09-19 posted: 4946 promoted: 325 bookmarked: 206 歸隱山林 |
這個嘛!重點是在於吃不吃還是得由你自行決定。就好像縱使有一位高明的醫師,病人有絕對的權利選擇讓不讓他醫治是一樣的道理。 我個人的話是會選擇不吃,反正水果那麼多種。這不僅僅是「閉百脈」這麼簡單,而是在於他的「藥性」的作用。就像附子有大毒是眾所周知,但它卻是能救命的藥物。 不過,我在 #1 的 post 有 po 出這種說法的來源,要詳細的話,可能要去問他們。我相信累積吃太多蘋果的脈象,這是絕對經得起驗證的。
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eliu![]() joined: 2007-08-09 posted: 11499 promoted: 617 bookmarked: 187 新竹, 台灣 |
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elleryq![]() joined: 2007-09-27 posted: 117 promoted: 5 bookmarked: 0 Taipei, Taiwan |
我很好奇是怎麼設計實驗的?? 我是這麼想,第一,被實驗者,必須要不知道吃的是什麼與帶來的影響,以避免有安慰劑效應。第二,把脈的人必須要是同一個人,以避免有認定的問題。第三,被實驗者的數量要夠多,人種也要不一。第四,實驗時間也要夠長。這樣才能比較客觀的評量出一種食物所帶給人的影響。
這句話是最中肯的了!! edited: 1
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本人已不在此站活動![]() joined: 2007-09-19 posted: 4946 promoted: 325 bookmarked: 206 歸隱山林 |
在中醫,大部分的所謂「驗證」只是累積了足夠的例子,不是像西醫那種精確的實驗。 不過,我自己親身體驗過後,脈象並沒有發生什麼變化,只是我本來就不喜歡吃蘋果就是了。所以應該沒有閉脈那種情況。但所有食物都一樣,適量很重要,過量就有如毒一般。
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