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awesome window manager

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1subject: awesome window managerPromote 3 Bookmark 02008-08-18quote  

最近在玩 awesome 這個 tiling window manager,玩得不亦樂乎,於是整理了筆記,分享給大家。



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2subject: awesome window managerPromote 0 Bookmark 02008-08-18quote  

awesome 是現在極少數支援 pango 卻不依賴 GTK+ 的精簡程式。

(目前 99% 以上使用 pango 的程式都依賴 GTK+)

awesome 使用 pango + cairo,可正確顯示多國語言,確實是很不錯的 window manager。

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3subject: Promote 0 Bookmark 02008-08-19quote  

在選 awesome 之前,原本很想用 xmonad ,但後來發現 xmonad  有一堆 Haskell 的 dependency 要裝,就放棄了。


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4subject: Promote 0 Bookmark 02008-08-23quote  


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5subject: Promote 0 Bookmark 02008-09-20quote  

awesome 3.0 正式釋出了!

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6subject: Promote 0 Bookmark 02008-09-24quote  

Joey Hess 是 Debian 的大神之一,他是典型的 KISS 支持者 (Keep It Simple, Stupid)。

他的許多觀點都很有意思,底下是他對 awesome 3.x 的不滿:


Just spent a good two^Wthree hours trying to configure awesome 3.0 to match my awesome 2.x setup. Docs are effectively nonexistant. So far, I'm stuck on several fronts:

  • I want to be able to left click on a titlebar and drag to resize. Without pressing the modkey. But the definition for that is set deep within awful.lua, which is not a configuration file, and so I cannot see a good way to configure it.
  • Why can't I resize an xterm to 80 characters wide? It jumps between 79 and 81.
  • Why is it that despite using the same font as with 2.0, enough additional vertical space is used by the title bar and status bar, that I get one less line in all my xterms? It's using only a few pixels more than before, but that's too much..
  • How do I configure a textbox so that, if I click on it, a command is run? Update: Figured this one out, for example: mympd:mouse_add(mouse({ }, 1, function () os.execute("awesome-mpd show &") end)) (Note that if the command isn't run in the background, and opens a window, it will deadlock awesome.)
  • Can't figure out how to use awesome-client to add a value to a graph widget. (I'm sure this is simple, but I haven't stumbled over an example. I'd use wicked, but it's not packaged.) Update: Figured it out via the source: mpgraph:plot_data_add("foo", "10")
  • Can't figure out how to make a textbox widget have a fixed width and truncate the text in it. Since it's displaying the currently plaging song, using the default dynamic width would make everything on my status bar jump around. Update: mytextbox.width=100
  • There's no emptybox widget aymmore, so how do I add horizontal padding between widgets? Best I've managed so far is an empty textbox with a defined width.

Anyone else hate lua, or at least build-your-own-WM-in-lua config files for window managers that used to have simple config files?


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7subject: Promote 0 Bookmark 02008-09-24quote  

Anyone else hate lua, or at least build-your-own-WM-in-lua config files for window managers that used to have simple config files?

大概是因為一堆 game 都用 lua 的關係?帶動了一堆爐鴨熱。


我看 KISS 要有新解才行:Keep It Stupid Smart. 把簡單的事情給弄複雜了!XD

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8subject: Promote 0 Bookmark 02008-09-26quote  

awesome 3 還沒進 Debian 的 testing,剉咧等 …… XD

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9subject: Promote 0 Bookmark 12009-03-15quote  

最近 Debian Squeeze 升級到 awesome 3 了


 dmenu 的設定網路上可找得到:

Arch Linux Forums / awesome 3 queries
dmenu = "dmenu_run -fn 'CodingFontTobi-10' -nb '#333333' -nf '#ffffff' -sb '#1793d1' -sf '#ffffff'"
keybinding({ modkey }, "p", function () awful.util.spawn(dmenu) end):add()


key({ modkey }, "F2",
awful.util.spawn("dmenu_run -i -b -nb '#303030' -nf '#CCCCCC' -sb '#97B26B' -sf '#000000'")

dmenu 實在超好用的,那是 dwm-tools 提供的工具,即使你用的不是 dwm、awesome window manager,也可以用。

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10subject: Promote 0 Bookmark 12009-03-18quote  
把心得根據 awesome 3.2rc4 的 manpage 修改好了,請看此篇的附件。
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11subject: Promote 0 Bookmark 02009-03-27quote  

以前用 Win + b 可以隱藏 statusbar,現在要在 rc.lua 自已設定才行

-- press "Mod4 + b" to hide the statusbar

key({ modkey }, "b", function ()
      if mywibox[mouse.screen].screen == nil then
         mywibox[mouse.screen].screen = mouse.screen
         mywibox[mouse.screen].screen = nil


-- press "Mod4 + F12" to lock the screen

key({ modkey }, "F12",

  function ()
    awful.util.spawn('xscreensaver-command -lock')

這邊用的是 xscreensaver,xscreensaver 是  client/server 的架構,所以要先在 .xinitrc 內執行 xscreensaver &, 這邊按 Win + F12 才用作用。




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12subject: Promote 0 Bookmark 02011-12-26quote  

最近學會 gcb 的用法,gcb 與 gcin 的設定畫面在 awesome window manager 會被自動放到最大,很難用,可以透過下列設定解決:

編輯 ~/.config/awesome/rc.lua,在 awful.rules.rules = { …… } 這個區塊內加入以下

{ rule = { instance = "gcin-tools" },
 properties = { floating = true } },
{ rule = { instance = "gcin" },
 properties = { floating = true } },

gcb 的位置可以在「gcin 設定/工具」中的「內定輸入法 & 開啟/關閉」調整




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13subject: Promote 0 Bookmark 02012-02-26quote  

最近在玩佈景主題,awesome 佈景主題在 官方的 wiki 有詳細說明

awesome 對佈景主題的支援是透過一個名為 beautiful 的 lua library,是為 awesome 3 以上的版本寫的。

預設狀態下,awesome 切換佈景主題的方式有點簡陋,必需修改 rc.lua 中的設定:

-- 載入 theme 的程式庫

-- 設定使用的 theme

-- beautiful.init 實例:可使用內建程式庫來抓設定資料夾的位置,也可簡單直接指定
beautiful.init(awful.util.getdir("config") .. "/themes/default/theme.lua")

debian 的 awesome package (v3.4.11-2) 本身附帶有幾個佈景主題:default、sky 與 zenburn,放在 /usr/share/awesome/themes 中,可將 /usr/share/awesome/themes 複製到 ~/.config/awesome/ 方便自己修改亂搞

$ cp -R /usr/share/awesome/themes ~/.config/awesome/


可能有人不滿足於這樣陽春的設定方式,所以官方的 wiki 提供了進階一點的設定,讓我們可以用 awesome 的 menu 來切換佈景主題:

修改 rc.lua 的設定

-- 載入 ~/.config/awesome/current_theme/theme.lua

beautiful.init(awful.util.getdir("config") .. "/current_theme/theme.lua")

-- 選單函式的設定

mythememenu = {} 
function theme_load(theme)
local cfg_path = awful.util.getdir("config")

-- Create a symlink from the given theme to /home/user/.config/awesome/current_theme
-- (在 /home/USER/.config/awesome/ 建立 symlink current_theme 指向
-- /home/USER/.config/awesome/themes/THEME_NAME)
awful.util.spawn("ln -sfn " .. cfg_path .. "/themes/" .. theme .. " " .. cfg_path .. "/current_theme")
function theme_menu()
-- List your theme files and feed the menu table (列出可用的佈景主題並餵給 menu table)

local cmd = "ls -1 " .. awful.util.getdir("config") .. "/themes/"
local f = io.popen(cmd)
for l in f:lines() do
local item = { l, function () theme_load(l) end }
table.insert(mythememenu, item)

-- Generate your table at startup or restart (啟動或重啟 awesome 時,產生 theme table)


-- Modify your awesome menu to add your theme sub-menu (在主選單中加入切換 theme 的項目)
myawesomemenu = {
{ "manual", terminal .. " -e man awesome" },
{ "edit config", editor_cmd .. " " .. awful.util.getdir("config") .. "/rc.lua" },
{ "themes", mythememenu },
{ "restart", awesome.restart },
{ "quit", awesome.quit }

接下來,必需先手動建立一個 symlink

ln -sfn /home/USER/.config/awesome/themes/THEME_NAME  /home/USER/.config/awesome/current_theme


重新啟動 awesome 後應該可以看到選單內多了 themes 選項了,可以藉選單來切換 themes!

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