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LilyTerm 0.8.6 is released. Add a function key to disable/enable function keys!


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1subject: LilyTerm 0.8.6 is released. Add a function key to disable/enable function keys!Promote 0 Bookmark 02008-04-18quote  

2008/4/19 (0.8.6) (Source Code) (Debian Lenny Package) (Ubuntu Gutsy Package)

  • FIX:

    • The size of vtebox won't be changed if the font rendering / theme changed.

  • New Feature:

    • support gtk-alternative-button-order.

    • Use <Ctrl><~> to disable/enable function keys.

    • Support true opacity (rgba) now. (auto detect the screen is composited or not)

edited: 2

adm Find login register