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Flash white bug?

1subject: Flash white bug?Promote 0 Bookmark 02010-05-02quote  
It would seem that on evilvte 0.4.6, switching between instances causes them to flash white memntarily under the ratpoison wm. This does not happen when switching between, eg, firefox and evilvt. What could be causing this? 
2subject: Promote 0 Bookmark 02010-05-02quote  

My most sincere apologies, this seems to be a problem with all vte based terms (or, at least sakura, termit and evilvte) under ratpoison x86_64. So, I think I will have io take this up with the libvte guys and or the ratpioson devs. Either way, thanks for making such a great term, and I hope you keep on developing it. (Please excuse the typos :)


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3subject: Promote 0 Bookmark 02010-05-03quote  

Thank you for the feedback. :-)

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