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coolcd joined: 2008-01-21 posted: 2601 promoted: 348 bookmarked: 95 |
根據 The First Google Chrome Extensions: Block Ads, Check PageRank, and Use IE8 Accelerators Google Chrome 的擴充套件架構的特點如下:
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eliu![]() joined: 2007-08-09 posted: 11493 promoted: 617 bookmarked: 187 新竹, 台灣 |
我比較想要每個 Tab都是獨立的 process,這樣某個 Tab掛掉就不會整個browser 都掛。聽說新的 firefox會支援這個。 只是這樣會不會很吃 memory? edited: 1
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本人已不在此站活動![]() joined: 2007-09-19 posted: 4946 promoted: 325 bookmarked: 206 歸隱山林 |
我只希望能有個精簡型的 web browser(不是 dilo 那麼陽春的),啟動快,反應速度也快,一些延伸功能倒是可有可無。 有這種 browser 嗎?我目前有這種需求的時候都是用 w3m。
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coolcd joined: 2008-01-21 posted: 2601 promoted: 348 bookmarked: 95 |
chrome 2 有個蠻酷的功能 把分頁拖到螢幕四週或視窗四週的中央,會出現一個方塊,放開滑鼠,就可以重新 resize 視窗。 http://www.google.com/support/chrome/bin/answer.py?hl=en&answer=95622
Drag a tab to pre-defined locations, or docking positions, on your computer monitor or browser window to quickly resize your browser window. When the docking icon appears, release the mouse over the icon to have the tab snap in place.
Here are the different docking positions:
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coolcd joined: 2008-01-21 posted: 2601 promoted: 348 bookmarked: 95 |
可以試試 k-meleon 不過可能還不夠精簡就是了…… | |||||||||
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Google 真的會容許 Ad-blocker 這種東西出現嗎?
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