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set URGENT hint on bell

1subject: set URGENT hint on bellPromote 0 Bookmark 02009-04-25quote  

rxvt-unicode has an option, urgentOnBell, that sets the URGENT hint on the window, so that window managers can know the window needs attention (of course, this only happens if the window isn't currently focused). Could evilvte provide this feature? It's really useful if your WM supports it.


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2subject: Promote 0 Bookmark 02009-04-25quote  

Thank you!

I have put it to my TODO list.

However, I guess evilwm(the WM I use everyday) does not support URGENT hint, so I have to find some other WMs to test it.

3subject: Promote 0 Bookmark 02009-04-29quote  
You could try dwm. No dependencies to speak of, and it supports the hint. Thanks!

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