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有無「現成既有的」使用LO Draw或Impress編製出來的正體中文漢字筆順動畫演示影音、圖文範例教學公開資料?

1 有無「現成既有的」使用LO Draw或Impress編製出來的正體中文漢字筆順動畫演示影音、圖文範例教學公開資料?
Promote 0 Bookmark 02019-01-08quote  

我整理好了一份試算表檔案列出了五千多個常用與次長用國字(正體中文漢字)與漢字部件,包含準備好了漢字部件向量圖檔。接下來我需要摸索,使用LibreOffice Draw或Impress或兩者混搭,來編輯輸出國字(正體中文漢字/標準楷書)的筆順動畫演示,我過往完全沒有編輯筆順動畫檔的經驗,所以想試試看google或youtube找找「有沒有」任何前人的經驗,試了一些關鍵字,目前為止沒有找到符合需求的,但也或許是我個人搜尋能力不足所以找不到。所以這裡有問有機會,我就聚焦在使用LO Draw或Impress或兩者混搭來編輯。


Promote 0 Bookmark 02019-03-22quote  



救世苗文 Nyiakeng Puachue Hmong


4.^「救世苗文」的前世今生. 2018-04-25 [2018-04-25].

1.0 Introduction. The Nyiakeng Puachue Hmong script ( , ntǎw nyîa kée pûa txẉ mhóo , in
RPA transcription Ntawv Nyiajkeeb Puajtxwm Hmoob 'Genesis Complete Hmong script'; ntawv means
'letter', nyiajkeeb means 'genesis', puajtxwm means 'complete', hmoob is 'Hmong') is used for writing
the White Hmong and Green Hmong languages. It has also been called Ntawv Txawjvaag 'the Chervang
script', named after its inventor, the Reverend Chervang Kong ( , txâwva ̤ a koo , RPA Txawjvaag
Koo ), who devised it in the 1980s for use within his church. This script has been used by members of the
United Christians Liberty Evangelical church in America for more than 25 years, in printed material and
videos. It is reported to have some use in Laos, Thailand, Vietnam, France, and Australia. The script is also
called Hmong Kong Hmong ( , ntǎw mhóo kóo mhóo , RPA Ntawv Hmoob Koob Hmoov ,
“Hmong Blessing script”), and Pa Dao Hmong ( , ntǎw pâ ntáu mhóo , Ntawv Paj Ntaub
Hmong , “flower-cloth Hmong script”; paj means 'flower' and ntaub means 'cloth' and the two together
mean 'embroidery'). Another unrelated Flower Hmong script devised in 1959 is also called Paj Ntaub .
Several of the consonant letters appear to have been derived from the shapes of Hebrew characters.


Promote 0 Bookmark 02019-03-24quote  

我對比之後發現怪怪的,兩著的 字圖 不一樣 。

Nyiakeng Puachue Hmong






救世苗文 Nyiakeng Puachue Hmong


4.^「救世苗文」的前世今生. 2018-04-25 [2018-04-25].

1.0 Introduction. The Nyiakeng Puachue Hmong script ( , ntǎw nyîa kée pûa txẉ mhóo , in
RPA transcription Ntawv Nyiajkeeb Puajtxwm Hmoob 'Genesis Complete Hmong script'; ntawv means
'letter', nyiajkeeb means 'genesis', puajtxwm means 'complete', hmoob is 'Hmong') is used for writing
the White Hmong and Green Hmong languages. It has also been called Ntawv Txawjvaag 'the Chervang
script', named after its inventor, the Reverend Chervang Kong ( , txâwva ̤ a koo , RPA Txawjvaag
Koo ), who devised it in the 1980s for use within his church. This script has been used by members of the
United Christians Liberty Evangelical church in America for more than 25 years, in printed material and
videos. It is reported to have some use in Laos, Thailand, Vietnam, France, and Australia. The script is also
called Hmong Kong Hmong ( , ntǎw mhóo kóo mhóo , RPA Ntawv Hmoob Koob Hmoov ,
“Hmong Blessing script”), and Pa Dao Hmong ( , ntǎw pâ ntáu mhóo , Ntawv Paj Ntaub
Hmong , “flower-cloth Hmong script”; paj means 'flower' and ntaub means 'cloth' and the two together
mean 'embroidery'). Another unrelated Flower Hmong script devised in 1959 is also called Paj Ntaub .
Several of the consonant letters appear to have been derived from the shapes of Hebrew characters.


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