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Islands in the stream

1 Islands in the stream
Promote 0 Bookmark 02009-05-30quote  

這首 Islands in the stream 鄉村歌曲我常在疲倦、心情不好的時候聽,由於音樂輕快,聽起來會覺得心情非常輕鬆愉快。不相信的話,你可以親自來試試看。微笑

這是由 Kenny Rogers and Dolly Parton 兩位老牌歌手合唱所唱紅的,兩個天南地北的聲音,合起來卻是讓人驚喜連連,不得不佩服選曲者及編曲者的功力。前面由男聲主唱,女聲合音,後面改由女聲主唱,男聲合音。

以下是 Kenny Rogers and Dolly Parton 的現場演唱:



Baby when I met you there was peace unknown
I set out to get you with a fine tooth comb
I was soft inside
There was something going on

You do something to me that I can't explain
Hold me closer and I feel no pain
Every beat of my heart
We got something going on

Tender love is blind
It requires a dedication
All this love we feel needs no conversation
We can ride it together, ah ha
Making love with each other, ah ha

Islands in the stream
That is what we are
No one in between
How can we be wrong
Sail away with me to another world
And we rely on each other , ah ha
From one lover to another , ah ha

I can't live without you if the love was gone
Everything is nothing if you got no one
And you walk in the night
Slowly losing sight of the real thing
But that won't happen to us and we got no doubt
Too deep in love and we got no way out
And the message is clear
This could be the year for the real thing

No more will you cry
Baby I will hurt you never
We start and end as one in love forever
We can ride it together, ah ha
Making love with each other, ah ha(*)

其實這首歌曲的原創作者及原唱是 Bee Gees,很意外吧!以下是 Bee Gees 的原唱:


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