2007-11-27 posted:
255 promoted: 35 bookmarked: 13
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LilyTerm 0.9.4 is released, Supports 'Single Process Mode'! |
0 | 2008-07-02 | quote | | |
2008/7/2 (0.9.4)
For GCIN Users:
If it always segfault when close the 1st page of LilyTerm, Please update GCIN to 1.4.1 to avoid this problem.
Single Process Mode
LilyTerm supports 'Single Process Mode' from this version.
When LilyTerm is running with 'Single Process mode', Multi LilyTerm will use only one process. The newer launched LilyTerm will be just a new window of 1st launched LilyTerm, so that we may reduce the usage of memory.
Unlike roxterm, gnome-terminal or xfce4-termianl, Every single window of LilyTerm is independent. They may has it's own settings and profile, and won't bother each other.
The disadvantage of 'Single Process' mode is, if the LilyTerm crashed, All the LilyTerm will be dead at the same time.
You may use -s/--saparate command line options to force to run LilyTerm in 'Saparate Process Mode'.
New Feature:
Applied updated German translation. VERY THANKS to Mario Blättermann.
A warning dialog when creating child process fail.
Add [New tab with specified locale] to right click menu.
You need to set the locales_list with full locale name in profile to enable this.
for instance with `locales_list = ja_JP.EUC-JP zh_CN.GB2312 zh_TW.Big5'.
If you used a specified profile with -p option, [Save Settings] will save the settings on the specified profile.
Add -x and -t/--tab command line options support.
-x is the same as -e/-execute. For compatible with gnome-terminal. BTW, xterm is support -e only.
And, you may use -t/--tab {number} to open multi tabs when startup.
Shows the encoding on page name. You may disable it by put `page_shows_encoding = 0' in your profile.