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[YouTube] 蘇格蘭民謠: Loch Lomond (羅莽湖畔)

1subject: [YouTube] 蘇格蘭民謠: Loch Lomond (羅莽湖畔)Promote 0 Bookmark 02010-09-29quote  

以前高中的音樂課本有這一首。Loch Lomond  羅莽湖在蘇格蘭。

這首歌是描寫很久以前蘇格蘭與英格蘭的戰爭被俘虜,即將被處死的蘇格蘭士兵的心境,向將被釋放的人傾訴, 與我們高中唱的歌詞有很大的差異。




By yon(那邊) bonnie(美麗) banks and by yon bonnie braes(山坡)
Where the sun shines bright on Loch Lomond
Where me and my true love will never meet again (alternate: Where me and my true love were ever lak/wont to gae)
On the bonnie, bonnie banks o’ Loch Lomond.

Chorus: O you’ll tak’ the high road and I’ll tak’ the low road (陰間的路)

And I’ll be in Scotland afore ye (before you)
For me and my true love will never meet again
On the bonnie, bonnie banks o’ Loch Lomond.


‘Twas there that we parted in yon shady glen(山谷)
On the steep, steep sides o’ Ben Lomond
Where deep in purple hue, the hieland hills we view
And the moon comin’ out in the gloamin’(黃昏、日暮).
(Key change)
The wee(小) birdies sing and the wild flowers spring
And in sunshine the waters are sleeping
But the broken heart, it kens nae(not) second spring again
Tho’ the waeful(悲慘的) may cease frae(from) their greeting.
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joined: 2007-08-09
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新竹, 台灣
2subject: Promote 1 Bookmark 02010-09-28quote  



沒聽過 runrig 這個團體,可能是蘇格蘭的團體。Loch Lomond (羅莽湖畔) 應該可以稱為蘇格蘭非正式的國歌,有時候蘇格蘭人會在球場上唱。

此 youtube可以順便看看羅莽湖 & 蘇格蘭風光。

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