2007-11-27 posted:
255 promoted: 35 bookmarked: 13
| 1 | subject:
LilyTerm 0.9.1 is released, Supports to show PWD on tab/window! |
0 | 2008-05-25 | quote | | |
The size of LilyTerm can't decrease in fluxbox and evilwm. They are insensitive in gtk+2 focus event, which is used for keep correct geometry in LilyTerm.
There is another project named LilyTerm already, so that LilyTerm will renamed to LunaTerm, and relicense to GPLv3 in next release.
New Feature:
Applied updated German translation. VERY THANKS to Mario Blättermann.
Support colorful tab. You may specify the color with:
page_cmdline_color = darkblue
page_dir_color = darkgreen
page_custom_color = darkred
page_normal_color = black
in your profile, or use `use_color_page = 0' to disable it.
Shows the PWD (current directory) on page name.
Enable it will NOT cause performance program. Lilyterm with 100 tabs causes around 2.3% CPU loading on a Celeron 850 PC.
You may use `page_shows_current_dir = 0' in profile to disable it.
Shows PWD or cmdline on page name will stop updating when LilyTerm is not on focus.
You may use `page_width' in your profile to specify the max size of page, and use `fixed_page_width' to fix the size of page width.
- Always move window to top-left when initing.
You may use `show_get_function_key_menu' to disable [Get function key value] menu item.
- Add comments in profile.