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Down By Sally Gardens


joined: 2007-08-09
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新竹, 台灣
1subject: Down By Sally GardensPromote 0 Bookmark 02016-09-10quote  

最近「張國周強胃散」的電視廣告用這一首常聽到的民謠當配樂,一直很想知道這一首是什麼音樂。今天在「佳音經典音樂網」聽到這一首,去網站查詢才知道這一首是「Down By Sally Gardens」

諾貝爾文學獎得主 William Butler Yeats(葉慈) 1889 發表這首詩,1909年 Herbert Hughes 把詩配上愛爾蘭的民謠旋律 The Moorlough Shore 就成了 Down By Sally Gardens 這首民歌


Down By Sally Gardens Lyrics 歌詞(附中文翻譯)

Down by the Salley Gardens, my love and I did meet.  就在 Salley 花園旁,我遇到我的愛人
She passed the Salley Gardens with little snow-white feet.  她用雪白的小腳走過 Salley 花園
She bid me take love easy, as the leaves grow on the tree, 她吩咐我對愛放輕鬆,就像樹上長的樹葉 (慢慢來?)
But I, being young and foolish, with her did not agree. 我那時年輕又笨,對她說的不同意
In a field by the river, my love and I did stand  在河邊的原野,我的愛人和我站著。
And on my leaning shoulder, she laid her snow-white hand. 在我靠著的肩膀,她放下她的雪白的手
She bid me take life easy , as the grass grows on the weirs 她吩咐我生活放輕鬆,就像河堤上長的青草
But I was young and foolish, and now I am full of tears. 但那時我年輕又愚蠢,現在熱淚盈眶
Down by the Salley Gardens, my love and I did meet. 就在 Salley 花園旁,我遇到我的愛人
She passed the Salley Gardens with little snow-white feet. 她用雪白的小腳走過 Salley 花園
She bid me take love easy, as the leaves grow on the tree, 她吩咐我對愛放輕鬆,就像樹上長的樹葉
But I, being young and foolish, with her would not agree. 我那時年輕又笨,對她說的不同意
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joined: 2007-08-09
posted: 11496
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新竹, 台灣
2subject: Promote 0 Bookmark 02015-11-05quote  

最近緯來日本台播出的日劇「媽咪們的心機」的配樂就很常出現這一首 就在莎莉花園旁

Down By Sally Gardens 

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