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Canonical (Ubuntu) - the evil company


joined: 2007-09-19
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1subject: Canonical (Ubuntu) - the evil company Promote 2 Bookmark 02011-05-07quote  

Canonical (Ubuntu) - the evil company

Much of the controversy about Canonical especially the (non-existing) relationship with upstream was discussed broadly. But Canonicals view of OSS community is even worse than I supposed.

They have own original projects so-called opensource, where copyright assignment to Canonical is demanded. This fact itself is not so bad on its own, but the assignment conditions really are. In fact they violate the spirit of the community collaboration as usual. It is not any surprise almost nobody want to contribute to Canonicals/Ubuntu projects...

assignment 給 FSF 我沒話說,FSF 的地位、性質及歷史夠超然。但 assignment 給一個[被稱為 evil 的]商業公司,各位開發者,你們願意嗎?

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joined: 2007-09-19
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2subject: Promote 4 Bookmark 02011-05-09quote  

看一下 rms 對這個做法的觀點:

When a company asks for your copyright

當然又會有人說什麼宗教戰爭了,這是一個貢獻程式碼的人要考慮的法律、意願及理念的問題,怎麼可以隨便就推到什麼宗教戰爭來糢糊焦點呢?不是不合你的做法的就是宗教戰爭好嗎!就不說 rms,看一下 Bradley 的說法好了:

Canonical, Ltd. Finally On Record: Seeking Open Core


Ubuntu, Canonical Wallow in Muddy Waters with Contributors' Agreements

Canonical: Ignorant or Evil?

Canonical's Disconnect with Linux Developer Community

edited: 3

CC: Linux
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